Shapeshifters Cinema Online Network

A virtual meeting space for Shapeshifters Cinema artists, members, and workshop participants

Shapeshifters Cinema is an experimental microcinema 

Our venue is located on the Bret Harte Boardwalk, near Jack London Square in the heart of Oakland, CA. We provide support for contemporary artists working with experimental and artist-made film, video, sound, music and other types of mediated performance. We host regular, live events, offer workshops on experimental moving image and sound production and operate a storefront shop specializing in print publications, DVDs, sound recordings and other artist-made media. 

This online network is available to artists and members of the Shapeshifters community

If you would like to access this online network and community, join us as a member! We offer several levels with a plethora of perks to suit your needs and budget.

To learn more about us, find out about upcoming programs and workshops, or visit our online shop, visit You can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook.